Sei was founded in 2015 by Shruthi Basappa and Einar Hlér Einarsson
We are a young practice combining intuitive design with computational tools. Open research and experimentation guide our quest for design solutions. We are equally fascinated with vernacular timber structures as we are with flexible formwork.
Shruthi Basappa Co-founder shruthi@seistudio.is
Einar Hlér Einarsson Co-founder einar@seistudio.is
Amelié Scheepers Architect amelie@seistudio.is
Haripriya Sampathkumar Architect haripriya@seistudio.is
Sei is developing a flexible fabric formwork for concrete construction. It uses the best of intuitive design and former research with computational skills and access to the latest developments in both the textile and concrete industries to redefine formwork.
Sniðmót has received funding from several government innovation funds and is an ongoing research project.
Reykjavík – From data analysis to smart city
Sei was awarded a grant from the City of Reykjavík to analyze the current state of real time data available in various databases and to come up with a strategy to utilize that information towards a smarter city.
The project is in progress, and the first phase is expected to be delivered to the City of Reykjavík, mid-term of 2019.
Sei Studio develops preliminary proposals for down town Bolungarvík appartments. Town sees growth for first time after decades of decline.
ReadSei and Landmótun win a closed competition for the development of the Langisandur beach in Akranes, Iceland
ReadSei co-founder Shruthi Basappa explained the design process behind the winning proposal for the Bolafjall viewing platform, Bolungarvík, in a news segment by The Icelandic National Broadcasting Service.
ReadSei, along with Landmotun landscape architects and ARGOS, have been awarded the first prize in a closed competition for a viewing platform for Bolafjall, Bolungarvík, Iceland. The project is expected to be completed in early 2020.
ReadSei was awarded the third prize in a planning competition involving the rejuvenation of one of Iceland's oldest harbors, Hafnarfjarðarhöfn.
ReadSei studio took third prize in a planning competition for the Vífilstaðir area, Garðabær, Iceland. The project involved marshland, hills, rocky terrain and a golf course in the center of it all.
ReadSei studio has been awarded a purchaced proposal in Government Planning Competition for their proposal "Háborg við Hafið". Head over to our projects page to see the images for the proposal.
ReadSei was awarded the third prize in a design competition for assisted-living nursing homes in Selfoss, Iceland.
ReadShruthi writes about the book Scarcity in excess which was published in 2014, in The Reykjavík Grapevine
ReadA short research project about the details of the first functionalist houses of Iceland. Published in 2014.
ReadFrettatiminn, a local newspaper asked us what our favourite building in Iceland was and why.
An artist residence for Kristjan Davidsson and his family by Ar. Mannfred Vilhjalmsson for its judicious use of light, volume, structure and intent without sacrificing design value and user comfort at the altar of budget is our top pick.
We explore 'Movement in Architecture' in this peer reviewed magazine by the Graphic Design School, LHI, Iceland.
Read+354 699 1130
Sei ehf.
Eyjarslóð 9
101 Reykjavík
Kt. 410715-1120
Project name: Vík Platform
Typology: Architecture, Landscape
Program: Viewing Platform
Location: Vík, Iceland
Year: 2021
Status: Commissioned Project
Design Team: Shruthi Basappa, Einar Hlér Einarsson, Steinunn Eik Egilsdóttir, Hafdís Anna Bragadóttir, Amélie Scheepers
In collaboration with: Landmótun and RK Design
Renders: Taller Origen
Project name: Leiðarhöfði Competition
Typology: Architecture, Landscape
Program: Public Infrastructure
Location: Höfn, Iceland
Year: 2021
Status: Competition Entry
Design Team: Shruthi Basappa, Einar Hlér Einarsson, Amélie Scheepers
In collaboration with: Teiknistofa Norðurlands and RK Design
Renders and Video: Taller Origen
Project name: Urriðaholt Competition
Typology: Architecture, Landscape
Program: Kindergarten
Location: Garðabær, Iceland
Year: 2021
Status: Competition Entry – 3rd Prize
Design Team: Shruthi Basappa, Einar Hlér Einarsson
In collaboration with: Landmótun and RK Design
Renders: Taller Origen
Project name: Langisandur Competition
Typology: Architecture, Landscape
Program: Masterplan
Location: Akranes, Iceland
Year: 2021
Status: Competition Entry – 1st Prize
Design Team: Shruthi Basappa, Einar Hlér Einarsson
In collaboration with: Landmótun, Liska, RK Design and Taller Origen
Renders: Taller Origen
Project name: Njálsgöturólo kindergarten competition
Typology: Architecture, Landscape
Program: Kindergarten
Location: Reykjavík, Iceland
Year: 2020
Status: Competition Entry
Design Team: Shruthi Basappa, Einar Hlér Einarsson
Renders: Estefania
Project name: Miðstræti 4
Typology: Renovation
Program: Private home
Location: Bolungarvík, Iceland
Year: 2020
Status: On going
Size: 147,6 m²
Design Team: Shruthi Basappa, Einar Hlér Einarsson
Project name: Chickpea
Typology: Remodeling of existing space
Program: Restaurant
Location: Reykjavik, Iceland
Year: 2020
Status: Finished
Size: 47,6 m²
Design Team: Shruthi Basappa, Einar Hlér Einarsson
Photos: Art Bicnick / Reykjavik Grapevine
Project name: Hraðlestin, Grensásvegi
Typology: Remodeling of existing space
Program: Restaurant
Location: Reykjavik, Iceland
Year: 2019
Status: Finished
Size: 282,6 m²
In collaboration with: The Hraðlestin Team
Design Team: Shruthi Basappa, Einar Hlér Einarsson
Result Photos: Guðmyndur Ingólfsson / Ímynd ©
Project name: Assisted Living Units in Höfn
Typology: Architecture
Program:Nursing home, healthcare
Location: Höfn, Iceland
Year: 2019
Status: Competition Entry – Purchased Proposal / Honorable Mention
In collaboration with: Nicolas Fueyo Borja
Design Team: Shruthi Basappa, Einar Hlér Einarsson
Project name: Seltjarnarnes kindergarten competition
Typology: Architecture, Landscape
Program: Kindergarten
Location: Seltjarnarnes, Iceland
Year: 2019
Status: Competition Entry
Design Team: Shruthi Basappa, Einar Hlér Einarsson
In collaboration with: Sa Studio and Landmótun
Project name: Bolafjall viewing platform
Typology: Architecture, Landscape
Program: Viewing platform and planning
Location: Bolafjall, Bolungarvík, Iceland
Year: 2018
Status: Competition Entry – 1st prize – Under construction
In collaboration with: Landmótun and ARGOS
Design Team: Shruthi Basappa, Einar Hlér Einarsson
Project name: Icelandic government’s office extension competition
Typology: Architecture
Program: Extension and refurbishment
Location: Reykjavík, Iceland
Year: 2018
Status: Competition Entry
Design Team: Shruthi Basappa, Einar Hlér Einarsson, Barbara Sopolinska
Consultant: Massimo Santanicchia
Project name: Icelandic government’s office extension competition
Typology: Urban Planning
Program: Masterplan
Location: Reykjavík, Iceland
Year: 2018
Status: Competition Entry – Purchased Proposal / Honorable Mention
Design Team: Shruthi Basappa, Einar Hlér Einarsson, Barbara Sopolinska
Consultant: Massimo Santanicchia
Aerial Render: www.renderart.eu
Project name: Flensborgarhöfn og Óseyrarsvæði
Typology: Urban planning
Program: Masterplan, harbour development
Location: Hafnarfjörður, Iceland
Year: 2018
Status: Competition Entry – 3rd prize
Design Team: Shruthi Basappa, Einar Hlér Einarsson, Barbara Sopolinska
In collaboration with: Guðrún Harðardóttir
Consultant: Massimo Santanicchia
Project name: Hafnarfjörður centre
Typology: Urban planning
Program: Masterplan, town center development
Location: Hafnarfjörður, Iceland
Year: 2018
Status: Closed call for redevelopment strategy
Design Team: Shruthi Basappa, Einar Hlér Einarsson, Barbara Sopolinska
Project name: Chopin Concert Hall
Typology: Architecture
Program: Concert hall, Education Centre
Location: Żelazowa Wola, Poland
Year: 2018
Status: Competition Entry
In collaboration with: MOBO architects
Sound Engineering: Gunnar Birnir Jónsson M.Sc.
Design Team: Shruthi Basappa, Einar Hlér Einarsson, Barbara Sopolinska
Project name: Garðabær Rammaskipulag
Typology: Urban planning
Program: Masterplan, Urban development
Location: Garðabær, Iceland
Year: 2017
Status: Competition Entry – 3rd prize
Design Team: Shruthi Basappa, Einar Hlér Einarsson, Barbara Sopolinska
Consultant: Massimo Santanicchia
Project name: Assisted Living Units in Selfoss
Typology: Architecture
Program: Nursing home, healthcare
Location: Selfoss, Iceland
Year: 2017
Status: Competition Entry – 3rd prize
Size: 2500 m²
Design Team: Shruthi Basappa, Einar Hlér Einarsson, Barbara Sopolinska
Project name: Hengifossá
Typology: Architecture, Landscape
Program: Service center
Location: Hengifoss, Iceland
Year: 2016
Status: Competition Entry
Design Team: Shruthi Basappa, Einar Hlér Einarsson
Project name: Alþingi Offices
Typology: Architecture, Landscape
Program: Parliament Offices
Location: Reykjavík, Iceland
Year: 2016
Status: Competition Entry
Design Team: Shruthi Basappa, Einar Hlér Einarsson
For the new offices of Althingi (The National Parliament) Sei proposed a glass building on a concrete plinth, clad with PVC fabrics. The material is a reference to the importance of the fishing industry in Iceland and also look a little bit like fish hung out to dry.
Project name: Lyngás Masterplan
Typology: Urban planning
Program: Masterplan, Residential development
Location: Garðabær, Iceland
Year: 2016
Status: Competition Entry
Design Team: Shruthi Basappa, Einar Hlér Einarsson
A residential planning competition in Lyngásvæði, Garðabær that sought to address the need for affordable housing options. We focussed on the quality of street life, diversity, accessibility and quality open spaces that could be used throughout the year in Iceland. Woonerf streets, and alternative funding systems to help young people buy their own apartments was the crux of the solution.
Project Name: FabCast (Sniðmót)
Category: Research and Development
Program: Development of flexible formwork
Location: Iceland
Year: 2015
Status: Active
Project Team: Shruthi Basappa, Einar Hlér Einarsson, Barbara Sopolinska, Samúel Bjarnason
Engineering Consultants: Próf. Ólafur H. Wallevik, Jóhann Harðarson
Engineering Assistance: Einar I. Ólafsson, Hilmar Ástþórsson
Textile Consultant: Erla Dís Arnardóttir
Graphic Design: Birna Brindís Þorkelsdóttir
Project name: Rok
Typology: Restoration/refurbishment
Program: Restaurant
Location: Reykjavik, Iceland
Year: 2015
Status: Finished
Size: 122,3 m²
In collaboration with: Apparat Architects
Design Team: Shruthi Basappa, Einar Hlér Einarsson
Standing opposite the main church of Reykjavík this small restaurant was formerly a private residence. Built in the 1920, the only thing left standing before the restoration work started were the concrete block walls that now are visible from the inside. The restaurant ROK has been operational in the restored building from early 2016. The project was finished with the aid of Apparat architects.
Project name: Ástjarnakirkja Competition
Typology: Architecture, Landscape
Program: Church
Location: Hafnarfjörður, Iceland
Year: 2014
Status: Competition Entry
Design Team: Shruthi Basappa, Einar Hlér Einarsson
In response to a brief to design a Community Centre for a local church in Hafnarfjordur, Sei proposed a ‘temporary’ fabric cube as a stand-in church, even as the community space was centred around a usable courtyard space. The final church design would take over the same cube with an adaptable roof.